2008: Everyone Hates Bush, Cheney Is Evil…2013: We Miss Bush, Cheney Was Powerless

I’m getting a little nostalgic for the days when everyone hated Bush.

I don’t mean merely disliked. I mean hated.

Like when the Chicks with Dicks or whatever they’re called slammed him on a London stage. (Courage!)

The running argument was always that Bush was an idiot.

Also that he was a powerhungry mastermind.

Well, which is it? You can’t be a Bond villain and also be retarded.

Sure their plans were always foiled in the end by this dude:

(who knew that “Sean Connery” was Scottish for “mankini”?)

but at least they were smart enough to be on the verge of taking over the world.

Plus, there was always the meme that Cheney was the REAL puppetmaster, the “shadow President”, the guy who called the shots while Tard-in-Chief played with colored blocks.

A new article in the New York Times (your number ONE source for anti-Bush bullshit!) just dropped quietly, like a queef in an F5 tornado, and guess what it says?

1) Bush’s approval rating is currently at 49%. Not only is that higher than our President, it’s over double what it was when Bush was out of office and, for the first time, more people like Bush than dislike him.

If I were President Obama’s chief of staff, I would have this laminated on a Science-Fair-sized posterboard and have it hung across from his Oval Office desk surrounded by Klieg lights. How bad do you have to fuck up your job that people become nostalgic for the guy you replaced because he was so damn hated? You could literally show up and do nothing but play Candy Crush at every press conference and still do better than what you’ve done.

*apparently we do

2) Cheney held little to no influence over Bush, from his reluctance to take the job as VP (his job was to pick someone else to be VP) to his reluctance to do it again (he even found a replacement) to his persistent silence during meetings and the fact that he was entirely ignored for half of Bush’s presidency—eventually barely being able to have a damn conversation with him.

In other words—Cheney was one of the least-powerful Vice-Presidents in history. He knew it and so did all of Bush’s advisors.

And of all people, only one person exploited it: Condoleezza Rice.

Yes, the soft-spoken Stanford alum was quietly the most powerful person in the Bush administration.

So stuff that in your history pipe and smoke it.

(not you, Lamar! Remember what Whitney said—crack is wack. Just ask her…oh wait. Crap. *returns crack pipe to a visibly pissed Lamar Odom*)

And of course this little parting gem:

3) “At another point, he tried on a Darth Vader mask his aides had bought and posed for a picture. When he later tried to put the picture in his memoir, his wife, Lynne, talked him out of it.

Dick Cheney: he’s just like your goofy, stuck-in-middle-management dad.


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