I think this is a situation that certainly calls for torture.
We’ve got one of the bombers. Now, we just really need to torture him.
It should be involved, it should be cruel, it should be unusual, and it should be merciless.
And we should broadcast it live to Grozny, to Kabul, to Islamabad, to Tehran, and to every place where anyone who would even think of harming innocent women and children may reside.
We put a vise around his nuts and we just tighten, more and more. We’ll get our information, and we’ll get an example of what happens to those who dare come into our country and kill our people will deserve.
The world won’t object. China won’t object—he killed a young female student on visa from China. Russia won’t object—they’ve been dealing with Islamic Chechen separatists for decades, especially after they killed 380 schoolchildren a few years back.
Let’s not waste this useful opportunity to nip this shit in the bud.
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