The…Mystery Pube!

Sometimes I have to don my monocle and my PI clothes (Pass Interference—a pair of football pants with a mud stain just on the rear) and go a’searchin for mysteries and stuff.

Today’s mystery—a black, curly pube on my hand.

I don’t know how it got there. I’ve been inside all day. At my desk, mostly. Well I peed once, maybe twice. So where the HELL did it come from?

Not my roommates. They’re disturbingly clean, so they’re not the kind of people to indiscriminately drop pubages, plus it’s the wrong color.

After a quick mental scan, no, none of the people who came into my apartment as of late had black hair.


Speaking of which, the last chick and all of them have been shaved, so it can’t be them.

Color me colored (gotta make this a phrase).

The trail has gone cold for now, and I just sneezed and lost the black pube into the ether from whence it came.

May as well call this case closed, at least until I find it again.



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