Candy Crowley is one of the few people named after their main source of nutrition: Second Debate Liveblog
Yes, I got to a late start. I had to dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge through LA traffic to get home to watch this. Apologies for the three pedestrians I killed on the way—but hey, I lowered our healthcare burden!
BO = Barack Obama (how unfortunate)
MR = Mitt Romney
Candy Crowley = Moderatrix
6:17—“Very little of what Gov Romney said is true” aw hell naw it’s ON nao
Good to see someone woke Obama up for this debate. He’s still condescending the hell out of people, but at least he doesn’t look like he’s on Ketamine
6:18—MR: “How much did you cut licensed permits on federal lands and waters?!” this is two seconds away from a fistfight or makeout session. I LOVE IT
Obama turns his back. Where’s Aretha?
6:20—Romney looks relaxed yet poised. A delicate balance and an excellent sign.
6:21—BO: Gas prices were low because the economy was collapsing. Wtf
“This pipeline…that Gov Romney keeps talking about” the condescension is dripping.”
6:23—Candy Crowley is trying to get all up in Mitt and talking over him. This is obscene.
BO: “I’m used to being interrupted.” >__>
6:24—MR: “I want to bring the rates down, I want to simplify the tax code, I want middle income taxpayers to have lower taxes”
“The middle income families in America have been crushed the last four years”
“I am not going to have people at the high end paying less than they’re paying now”
“No middle income taxpayer will pay tax on interest, dividends, and capital gains” interesting plan
“$4,000/yr higher taxes as a result of the spending and borrowing of this administration”
6:27—BO: “I want to give middle class families and folks who are striving to get into the middle class some relief” so why haven’t you yet?!
“I want to continue those tax cuts for middle class families and for small businesses”
“IF this is genuinely a moral obligation for the next generation…we’ve got to make sure the wealthy…do a little bit more.”
“Go back to the tax rates we had when Bill Clinton was President” oh dear
I want to continue = I haven’t done shit, and now I gotta make up for it
6:30—MR: “I’m not looking to cut taxes for wealthy people. I’m looking to cut taxes for middle income people”
“For me, this is about jobs”
“We can do better than this. We don’t have to settle for 43 months with unemployment above 8%”
“3.5 million more women living in poverty than when the President took office”
Facts. And. Figures. Take note, Mr. President.
6:32—Candy Crowley: This is Gov Romney’s plan, this is what he said. Settled?
BO, indolent: “No, it’s not settled!” whines, stomps feet
His voice is reaching Sarah Brightman levels of falsetto right now. Unpresidential.
Big Bird! Planned Parenthood! Scare the moms!
Gov Romney’s plan a “sketchy deal” AWWWSHEEEIT
6:35—Candy Crowley: what if the numbers don’t add up. MR: “Of course they add up.”
“How about 4-5 trillion dollars of deficits over the past four years. THAT doesn’t add up.”
“If the President were re-elected, we’d get to almost 20 million dollars of national debt!”
6:37—Katharine Fenton: dumb question asker of the night. “What will you do to address the gap where women make 72% of what men earn?”
BO: My grandmother hit the glass ceiling…as the VP of a bank. Wtf #2
“Women are increasingly the breadwinners in the family. This is a family issue, this is a middle-class issue.” No Mr. President, this is a dogwhistle issue.
6:39—MR: My cabinet was more diverse
“We’re going to have to have employers in the new economy, the economy I’m putting into play, that will…have to hire women”
“I know what it takes to make an economy work. And what a working economy looks like. I’m going to get women in the workplace with a stronger economy”
Finally! Someone makes the adult argument for equity in the workplace.
6:44—BO: I’m going to sputter out simple Sybian sayings as if they were true and trite talking points!
6:45—I swear the question-asker is an older Linda Tripp
MR: “Since both you and President Bush are Republicans, I fear a return to the policies of those years.” –no, THIS question is the dumbest of the night
“I don’t believe bureaucrats in Washington or employers should tell a woman if they should use contraceptives or not”
“President Bush and I are different people and these are different times.” Solid answer
Five point plan:
1) Energy technology from the last four years making us energy independent
2) Trade with Latin America
3) Get us to a balanced budget. President Bush didn’t do that
4) Get us out of deficits
5) Boost small businesses, getting them “to grow and hire people”.
6:48—BO: “we came in during tough times”, “digging our way out of policies”
“Gov Romney is currently investing in countries—companies…that make surveillance devices for them to spy on their own folks!” wtf#3
6:51—Michael Jones: “Most things I use for everyday living are very expensive.” Good idea, having an African-American ask Obama why the hell people are bankrupt now.
BO: “OBL is dead” what the hell does that have to do with this man’s buying power?!
Good softball question to allow Obama to drone on and on about talking points. Good thing it’s not one of those drones he likes that kills people. If I were Mike Jones I’d be careful on my trip home for daring to question the President.
6:54—MR: “I think you know better. If you elect President Obama, you know what you’re gonna get. We just can’t afford four more years like the last four years”
Excellent explanation of full employment. Difference is NINE million Americans.
Hammer Obama on no immigration plan, no social security plan, no deficit plan.
Listing BO’s campaign promises 2008 and comparing to 2012. Genius.
“The President wants to do well. I understand. But the policies he’s put in place: from Obamacare to Dodd-Frank, etc”
Reagan had 10.8% unemployment and he was able to bring that down. Why can’t BO?
“He’s great as a speaker, describing his plans and a vision. But we have a record to look at.”
“Median incomes down $4,300/family.”
6:58—MR reaching out to Lorraine and asking her name to get it correct. Very polite.
Immigration question. Hoo-boy.
1) “We welcome legal immigrants into this country. You shouldn’t have to hire a lawyer to get into this country legally.” Best immigration answer given in years.
2) We have to stop illegal immigration…”I will not grant amnesty to those who have come here illegally” No magnets, no drivers licenses. Pathway to citizenship for children of immigrants.
3) Obama promised a bill his first year…hasn’t happened
7:01—Obama struggles to get Lorraine’s name right. “Lorena”? Shows he wasn’t paying attention earlier. In his own world.
“We’ve streamlined, reduced the backlog” and increased deportations…
We need to not let in “gangbangers” Well, he just lost the Bangbus vote…
SB 1070 demagoguery. “if my daughter or yours looks to somebody like they’re not a citizen…i don’t want, I don’t want to empower somebody like that.” Wtf#4 of the night.
7:05—MR: “I’m glad you thought I was a standard-bearer four years ago. I was licking my wounds from being beaten by John McCain. I’m glad you thought I was a standard bearer though!”
Univision citation. Obama got slammed in that interview. Good mention.
Obama interrupts Romney speaking, then says “let me finish”. His rudeness is becoming more and more obscene.
Obama: “I don’t look at my pension, it’s not as big as yours.”
Romney: “You have Chinese investments in your pension”
Obama: silence.
7:08—Kerry Ladka with a Libya question and refusing security for the Benghazi embassy. “Who was it that denied enhanced security and why?”
BO: “I know these folks. I often send them into harms way. I know their families.”
Obama’s supposed plan: 1) Beef up security around the region 2) Investigate what happened 3) We are going to fight out who did this and hunt them down.
‘Gov Romney put out a press release, trying to get political points’
“You don’t turn national security into a political issue, especially right when it’s happening.” SOMEONE FIND THAT VIDEO OF SENATOR OBAMA SPEAKING ON IRAQ STAT
7:11—MR: “There was no demonstration involved. There was a terrorist attack. It took a long time for that to be told to the American people.”
“When the Ambasssador to the UN goes on TV and says it was a demonstration, how could you not know?” finally, a Susan Rice citation!
7:14—Candy Crowley: “does the buck stop with your Secretary of State?”
BO: “I’m the President. I’m always responsible.” Doesn’t claim blame. Clever wordplay.
*kathump, kathump* the bus wheels trample Hillary Clinton
7:15: MR—“you said in the Rose Garden it was an act of terror, not a spontaneous demonstration”
Candy Crowley: “he DID call it an act of terror”
Here’s the quote: “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. “ He referred to 9/11 and then generically said “acts of terror”. Did he directly say Benghazi was an act of terror? Nope. A cop-out and disingenuous from Candy and “get the transcript” Obama.
7:22—MR: turns AK-47 question into Fast and Furious mention. Perfect.
7:26—Offshoring. MR: “Trickle-down government has not worked here, it has not worked anywhere.” “I want to make America the most attractive place for entrepreneurs.”
“On day one, I’ll label China a currency manipulator.”
7:30—BO: “Both Gov Romney and I agree we should lower our corporate tax rate” um, you had 4 years to do that…and did…*crickets*
“We’ve put significant trade pressure on China and that’s why exports have…increased…” wtf#5
7:36—MR: “We don’t have to settle for what we’re going through”. Citing statistics. Feeling the flow. Yes. Where’s Kevin Nealon in a golf shirt when I need him?
7:38—BO cites the 47% comment. “People on social security!” “Veterans!” “Students!” “Soldiers!” “People who are workin hard every day!”
“That’s why I’m asking for another four years” you’re a tough sell, champ.
“If you’re an R, you like what your guy did, if you’re a D, you like what your guy did” –Shep Smith with groundbreaking analysis
Wyatt’s take: let’s face it folks—Romney put Obama in his place. The President was more petulant than usual, and Romney stood his ground with facts and figures to counteract Obama’s Tourette’s talking points.
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