Hillary Gone Wild

Do you guys remember that meme that circulated around the 2008 election?

If you get an email that says ‘Nude Photos of Sarah Palin’, don’t open it because it could be a virus.

If you get an email that says ‘Nude Photos of Hillary Clinton’, don’t open it.

It could actually be nude photos of Hillary Clinton.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen, and good night.

But it seems at long last, Hillary is cutting loose a little bit.

I don’t mean wearing skimpy swimwear like she did in her Wellesley days.

Pictured: Who wants to scissor with THIS slice of Middle American pie?!

I also don’t mean getting completely fucking hammered when her campaign was deader than C. Everett Koop.

*one confused laugh from the back of the audience*

I mean she’s literally breaking the law (again, not counting obstruction of justice, Whitewater, the Rose Law Firm days, etc).

Parking and any-potential-masturbatory-climax-violator Hillary Clinton commandeered her $100,000 Mercedes S-Class and fleet of vans smack-dab in the middle of a St. James Square carpark in Mayfair (referred to as a ‘bay’ by British people who clearly don’t know simple fucking geography. You can’t park a car in the middle of a body of water, ya dumb limeys!)

The offense?

Bitch didn’t pay for the spot.

So a local traffic warden did what he does best—issued a ticket.

HISTORY, please note that this is the first and only time I will side on behalf of a parking ticket writer.

Of course the Secret Service jumped out of their vans, because hell, that ticket could’ve been a one-way ticket to Anthrax City, but were unable to deter the steely-eyed traffic warden.

Daniel Astaire, a Westminster City Council Member, remarked in traditional British deadpan:

The former US Secretary of State was parked for nearly 45 minutes without paying. I’m sure she will understand that we have to be fair to everyone, regardless of their status on the world stage.
For future reference, Mrs Clinton can now also download a parking app for her iPhone which will tell her in real time where a parking space is in the City of Westminster.

This isn’t the only example of Hillary’s newfound reckless streak.

At a meeting of the National Association of Convenience Stores in Georgia where Hillary was the keynote speaker (ironic coming from the woman who once said):

I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you still go to the gas station? A lot of wisdom comes out of that gas station.

…Hillary threw MAJOR SHADE at Vice-President Biden, her former colleague:

“she was asked about the Osama bin Laden raid. She took 25 minutes to answer,” Taylor said. “Without turning the knife too deeply, she put it to [Vice President Joe] Biden.”
Time and time again, Taylor said, Clinton mentioned the vice president’s opposition to the raid, while characterizing herself and Leon Panetta, then director of the Central Intelligence Agency, as the action’s most fierce advocates.

Basically, Hillary called Biden a “goddamn pussy” for being against killing bin Laden.

It seems the 2016 election has already started. Let’s hope ‘Hillary Gone Wild’ doesn’t have any nipslips or leaked sexts to help her get closer to the younger crowd.


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