I jokingly thought to myself as I approached the 405 near the Getty that I was entering the Valley (of the Shadow of Death).
Little did I know how possible that was.
A simple trip to class turned into a waterslide adventure by sheer virtue of being on one side or the other of Sepulveda approaching the Valley.
I had to record this infamous moment while simultaneously keeping a hand on the steering wheel and not turning my adventure into an aquatic bumper cars one.
I think there should be a rule that if your car hydroplanes three times on the way to class and you have to literally slam on the brakes and pray to prevent from hitting garbage cans and Civics floating about, that the test you’re going to should be cancelled.
Also, I realized all too late that this was a terrible day to wear moccasins.
After parking in the garage, I charged the door like a bull on bathsalts and somehow, someway, they wound up unscathed.
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