Bathtime Success

I was super excited when, by some strange virtue, I was allowed my own room and bathroom in a villa at Pelican Hill, a resort in Newport Beach.

The bathroom alone was larger than the size of my entire last apartment.

And awaiting me in the bathroom was none other than a massive tub big enough for me to throw a hooker-and-suds-filled party in, with the best of all: a sexy little wooden-and-chrome tray in the center for me to rest my laptop on.


Or so I thought.

I had some difficult interactions and performed a stress test with this thing.

After all, if I’m gonna put a MacBook on it, the damn thing better not pull a Minnesota bridge on me and buckle.

The following conversation was with Richard, thousands of miles away, trying to help me understand what the fuck this was:

R: oh, your tray thing earlier was a video. it didnt show up on the computer as one i dont think. thought it was a closeup pic
i think the slide in ridge is the drink holder. like for a wine glass. the wood surrounds the base so it wont get knocked over as easy. the dots in the circle suggest its for soap to drain
the middle must be for just anything i guess
oh. no. the ridges are for sticking magazines in probably
its a mag/book holder

W: *reexamines*
I think the ridges are too narrow for magazines
maybe it’s for pedicure/manicuring materials?

R: I thought of that cuz of the ridges too but no way

W: the wine glass holder makes sense definitely
like the ridges are only wide enough to hold readers digest sized pages
they’re not wide enough to hold more than a kindle

R: the vid is too blurry to tell for sure, but are the metal things hooked or straight on the pedi looking side?

W: straight

R: theres no ridge at the end that makes them into an L?
yes they are. i can see it clearer now
those are hinges, dude. lift the metal thing up. it creates a back to rest the book or mag and then the slots at the bottom are for you to choose what angle you want it rested at

W: Ok I found a similar one online. The metal thing in the center flips up to hold a book as a stand. The wine glass holder is for the side. The metal arms are on left and right to hold it in place on top of the tub. apparently it can be used to enjoy tea too. And according to reviews it is unstable
Yep you were right

R: whats up with the 3 indents on the back?

W: Still no clue
Can hold loofahs or those bathtub extended spray attachments I suppose



R: kinda lame
id use it as a laptop tray

W: it’s really not strong enough. I was super excited because I thought I’d use it as such but I feel I’ll just end up with a soaked laptop

R: lame

The day passes and I decide to test this thing out for myself. If it can hold a book, it can hold a MacBook.



Had to clear off some foam but I made it werq.

Too bad I was leaving that day and couldn’t use it more than once.

Oh well.

And, as per usual, Rich was right.

Rich 1, Wyatt 0.5, Tray 0

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