So as you folks probably know, this past week Amanda Berry, who had been missing for a decade, was found safe in the basement of Ariel Castro with two other girls.
In 2004, Louwanna Miller, Berry’s mother, went on the Montel Williams Show and talked to psychic Sylvia Browne, who has helped out police and investigators with missing persons cases in the past.
Browne told Miller about her daughter, “She’s not alive, honey.”
So this week, when Amanda Berry turned up, Sylvia Browne was slammed across the media, especially Anderson Cooper, who tweeted:

Louwanna Miller died in 2006 “of a broken heart”, for which Sylvia Browne was blamed, even though the real cause was pancreatitis. Remind me why we trust the media for “medical” information?
But here’s the story you don’t know.
This is the original Montel Williams segment.
1. Browne described Berry’s kidnapper as “a sort of Cuban-lookin, short, kinda stocky, heavyset”.
Browne was right. Ariel Castro, the kidnapper, fits that description to the T, even with his name.
2. Browne said Berry was “in the house, or under the house” of her kidnapper.
Browne was right. Berry was found in Castro’s basement.
3. Browne said that the next time Miller would see her daughter would be “in heaven, on the other side”.
Browne was right. Miller died soon after, and that’s the next time she’ll see her daughter.
4. When Miller questioned Browne on the veracity of her prediction, Browne said, “Only God is right all the time but of course I’m wrong. But after 50 years of doing this work, I’d better be more right than wrong. I always say I hope I’m wrong. When it comes to this, I hope I’m wrong.”
Turns out Browne was more right than wrong. And that’s not just coming from me, that’s coming from Amanda Berry’s family:
Sherry Cole, Amanda Berry’s cousin, reached out to Browne Wednesday morning to offer her love and support, according to Browne’s public relations rep. Cole reportedly wanted to let Browne know that Browne had been accurate in her description of the perpetrators at the time.
“Our family in no way blames Sylvia. This doesn’t change anything. We still love her and believe in her”.
This is what happens when the whiny, bored media looks for hobgoblins to blame for things. The real monster is Ariel Castro, who kidnapped, tortured, and sexually abused these girls for a decade. Not an elderly psychic who should be commended for accurately describing where they were.