Chicago, thankfully not my hometown Pt II: Electric Boogaloo

O’Hare: way too tired to observe. need water, food, rest


Man driving cart thru DFW has no horn on cart, says *beep beep*, earns himself a place in my heart




Dad walks past lady with her child, stumbles slightly as her kid moves towards in his direction in hallway.

Woman: really? assholes. I hate Dallas.

Me: excuse me…what did you just say?

Woman: uhh…that I hate the people in Dallas

Me: I really don’t think you should say words like that in front of your child.

Woman, with attitude: uh, do you have children?

Me: no, but I’m dealing with one right now

Woman: *silent*


Dad: you fell asleep with your mouth open on the last flight and the guy next to you did too but he was snoring…loudly. so everyone thought it was you and I had to explain that it wasn’t

Me: pffft I don’t snore like some fat bastard. I snore elegantly. It’s like a Jaguar purr


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