Election 2012 Perspective

Election 2012 Perspective

Congratulations to President Obama on his victory.

Congratulations to Mitt Romney on running an honorable campaign.

It pains me to see a man with a servant’s heart, a man as charitable as Mitt Romney, not be elected President.

We must remain vigilant over the next four years and hold this government accountable for all of its actions. It is as much our duty as Americans as it was voting at the polls today.

The American Dream is not lost.

But our fellow citizens need help now more than ever.

We face dark days ahead.  Let this election not leave us a house divided, for a house divided will not stand.

Our history is lined with great Americans who gave their lives for our country.  Patriots who fought with every ounce of strength to ensure that America is the greatest country on the history of this planet.

A place where a man is not defined by his color or creed, but by his honor.

A place where we are free to pursue our happiness.

A place where we rule ourselves, and are not ruled by a sovereign or tyrant.

A place where we are the envy of the world.

Every generation, we are tested to see if we can provide the bounty of our blessings to the next generation and the tools to perpetuate such blessings.

Let us not squander the blessings we have been provided.

Let us not sit idle in the face of adversity.

Let us come together–Democrat, Republican, Independent, atheist, Christian, Buddhist, black, white, brown, gay, straight, male, female—and cast off every term used to divide us, cast off every term used to belittle us, cast off every term used to keep our character hidden.

We are Americans.

We may struggle.

We may be tested.

But we shall not fail.

We must unite, as Americans, to ensure that the 21st century is a prosperous one for our country.

Thank you, and may God bless this great land of ours and its people.


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