Just like America, I built this desk with sweat, determination, passion, and hard work.
Mostly sweat.
I didn’t ask for government help. I didn’t ask for a bailout.
I toiled through pre-assembled parts in the Costco box, following directions in English, and twisting my Allen wrench to make sure each screw of the leg was built to last, like every spike driven into the earth of the Transcontinental Railroad that my forefathers made.
Actually, I’m pretty sure my family came over in the early 1900s on both sides.
But no matter! Because we took that immigrant spirit straight to the land, growing crops in fallow soil, enduring harsh (California) winters, and working to get an education.
I was the first member of my family to go two a four-year UC school. And go to school I did! With my books (and laptop) under my arm, I walked uphill to class both ways—BOTH WAYS! (through Drake Stadium up Bruinwalk at UCLA)
And now that I’ve completed that education, I seek my secondary education. To become a professional!
This desk is the desk where ideas will spring forth! Where creative concepts will mesh into brilliance! Where complex equations will spring from the pages into my mind! Where my laptop will sit as it loads the newest XTube videos on my slow Wi-fi!
Yes folks. This desk, this “intelligence-table” as I like to call it, was built with my own two hands, some-assembly-required. Every safe-like open-and-shut of the (velvet-lined) drawer is a testament to the American Dream (Made in China).
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