“Old Arab” Helen Thomas is dead at the spry age of 92, likely under suspicious circumstances. Between this and the Glee kid, who’ll be the third celebrity to drop? *crosses fingers for a member of Menudo*
She was the first female member of the White House Press Corps, mostly because they just couldn’t get her to go away. Serving in every administration since Polk Kennedy, Thomas was known for her hard-hitting and often-rambling seven-part questions.
Bringing to the press corps all the casual racism of your senile great aunt along with the sex appeal of your senile great aunt, Thomas was finally let go from her seat just feet away from the President after telling Jews to “get the hell out of Palestine” and go back to Poland. So clearly, “the Jews” had no choice but to take her out.
In all seriousness, it’s sad to see her go. She’s one of those things you expect to last forever, like dirt or a Big Mac. She always reminded me of my grandmother of the same age (hardworking, shriveled, loud, unhinged, they may be the same exact person) who continues to keep on truckin.
We can all learn one thing from Helen’s life—you need to live long enough for Presidents to personally bring you a cake every birthday—no matter how crazy you get.
RIP, Helen.
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