Our administration made a lot of hay over a YouTube video posted by a mysterious figure that allegedly slandered Islam.
In fact, they very publicly blamed the video for the attack on our consulate in Benghazi.
It’s now known that such blame was falsely placed, and that this was a coordinated terrorist attack.
The video’s creator was arrested and jailed for a year in a probation violation for…using a computer.
The Petraeus mistress blowup brings us back to a speech she gave at the University of Denver, indicating that not only did Petraeus know of the attack, but that a certain special forced team could have prevented it.
So why was the force not deployed? And who had the authority to not deploy them? And why was that choice made?
It all comes down to a very choice quote:
If you remember at the time, the Muslim video, the Mohammed video that came out, the demonstrations that were going on in Cairo, there were demonstrations in 22 other countries around the world, tens of thousands of people, and our government was very concerned that this was going to become a nightmare for us,” she said.
“So you can understand if you put yourselves in his shoes or Secretary Clinton’s shoes or the President’s shoes, that we thought it was tied somehow to the demonstrations in Cairo. And it’s true that we have signal intelligence that shows the militia members in Libya were watching the demonstration in Cairo, and it did sort of galvanize their effort. So we’ll find out the facts soon enough.
They knew the video wasn’t directly responsible for the attack.
They needed a scapegoat to blame to quell the protestors. They got their scapegoat by jailing the creator of the video.
They sacrificed the ambassador and the others who defended him to not stray from the video narrative. They wanted to take the heat off of al-Qaeda. They wanted to take the heat off of themselves for their security failures and the domestic outrage if we ever found out that we neglected to save our dying ambassador.
They clearly could have secured the complex. They didn’t.
And now we know why. To stop the protests, to make nice with the Muslim world, and to show they could appease.
And now they have blood on their hands.
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