What’s the deal with ISIS?

I’m no expert on foreign policy.

I’ve been to Canada and Mexico and when they asked “business or pleasure” I never said business for 2 reasons:

  1. I was smuggling Beanie Babies out of Canada
  2. If I said I was going to Cabo for business they’d laugh and then detain me

Speaking of laughs, I’m not nearly witty enough to write for The Daily Show or Letterman.

After all, how many liner notes saying *mug for the camera* can a man write before losing his mind?

If this were a “Friends” episode, this would be “The One Where I Was Blocked By Mort From Bob’s Burgers”:

The facts: ISIS started in 1999, well before Bush/Cheney were even in office:

The Islamic State, still regularly described as ISIL, ISIS or Daʿesh, originated as Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in 1999.

So did Bush create them before even winning the election?

That’d be a hell of a hat trick.

Ye Olde Trustye Wikipediae has this to say about Clinton and the War in Iraq:

The bombing campaign had been anticipated since February 1998 and incurred wide-ranging criticism and support, at home and abroad. It became one of the roots of the 2003 invasion of Iraq which resulted in the deposition of the Ba’athist Iraqi government.

So Clinton apologized, right?

“You know, if they hadn’t gone to war in Iraq, none of this would be happening,” Clinton said in an interview to be broadcast Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” referring to Cheney and former President George W. Bush’s administration, according to USA Today.

Of course.

If only he replaced “they” with “we”.

But remember, it depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is.

“Is” is.



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