Why Paul Ryan wants to save Social Security

Paul Ryan’s college education was funded by Social Security benefits.

Nefarious! He’s trying to cut Social Security!

Except the fact that, as a 16-year-old, his father died, meaning Paul inherited his dad’s benefits which funded his education.

And except the fact that he doesn’t even want to cut benefits:

Here is Paul Ryan’s path to a balanced budget in three sentences: He cuts deep into spending on health care for the poor and some combination of education, infrastructure, research, public-safety, and low-income programs. The Affordable Care Act’s Medicare cuts remain, but the military is spared, as is Social Security. [Emphasis supplied.]

However, “President Obama is standing firm on insisting on Social Security cuts”.

That’s not evil right-wing spin either—this is from a liberal website.

Here’s a facebook thread where a rabid anti-Paul-Ryan devotee gets quickly shut up when this fact is pointed out.

Facts are the darndest things…



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