I eat sick people food…

Somehow, my favorite foods are consistently associated with sickness.

Ginger ale…the airplane staple? Probably one of my favorite drinks, and one used to quell the wretches.

Saltine crackers…the soup consigliore? The perfect snack, and also a staple for stomach flu sufferers.

Chicken noodle soup…the broth of barons? A sublime soup, and also used for every cough, runny nose, itchy throat, and every godawful symptom this side of yellow fever.

So somehow, all these delicious food staples are associated with severe illness. I also find them freaking delicious, and get weird looks from people when I order them.

“oh…are you…SICK?!” they say, accusatorily, as if I was Patient Zero or something.

don’t mind me, just throwin some shade

No…I just happen to love carbonated ginger, carbohydrates & salt, and chicken soup with carb noodles.

Basically, I love carbs.

Suck it, Atkins!

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