When “Paleo” dieting goes too far…

I don’t really understand the idea of the Paleo diet—known as eating how the cavemen ate.

None of them are around to tell us how to eat, so I’m not so sure we should be listening to them.

Nonetheless, I support the idea of eating meat and fresh foods and always have, long before it got a label and a cult following.

I say ‘cult’ following because things have gotten so out of control that you’ve now got people refusing to even be photographed with “processed food” because it’s against their beliefs, like all of a sudden they’re going to grow another chin just because there’s a snapshot of some peanut butter crackers in their vicinity.

Watch what happens when I question a woman who went completely overboard with this idea—and was actually supported by equally-unbalanced followers.



UPDATE: Check out the Facebook message I immediately received from Claire Rebecca, who sent it then blocked me to be anonymous (sneaky!)

Photo Jun 25 11 22 08 AM



2 responses to “When “Paleo” dieting goes too far…”

  1. […] (why Paleodes ripped off what I’ve been eating since I was in diapers and why Paleo dieting comes with a smug sense of self-superiority) but wait–there’s […]

  2. Alan Zhu Avatar
    Alan Zhu

    This freaking made my day dude. Painfully hilarious. Nice work.

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